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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Coonie's - BiLLy Swagner x Morrow Damour

Happy New Year's! 2012's first blog is an award show called "The Coonie's" which highlights coonish behavior all around the globe during the past year. There's finally an award show that gives credit to ignorant, idiotic celebs that showcase their natural born dubmbassedness! I'm making that a word to describe these folk!

According to Urban Dictionary's third definition, yes the third one, a coon is a black actor or actress, who takes roles that stereotypically portrays black people. They think they've made it but they are slaves to the same images. But we'll be expanding on that definition as follows: any person who stereotypically portray themselves purposefully in a negative light or parade around looking for acceptance by another group, either racial, religious or otherwise. Sports, television, politics, film and music are littered with dimwitted monkey's and a winner will be crowned in each category. So without further to do, I bring to you...The Coonie's!


1. Sammy Sosa

You know you done fucked up right!?! So former Chicago Cub player Sammy Sosa decided he was tired of being brown skin and threw some Clorox on his face. From corked bats to steriods, we all knew Sammy was use to cheating but trying to sneak inside The White Race by bleaching his skin was a bad move! No bueno senor!

2. Michael Jordan

The all-time great basketball player is a piss-poor humanitarian. It's true that he worked hard and blah, blah, blah, but he currently makes millions and millions of dollars by selling the same shoe to idiots, whom sit outside out of Footlocker days before the sneaker's release. But how many times have you senn Jordan give a speech at an inner city school or donate money to any one of the trillion basketball camps in Brooklyn or Chicago or anywhere for that matter? Jordan demanded millions of dollars as a player and rightfully so but now that he's an NBA owner of the Bobcat's, he's saying that player's should be gratefully and let the owner's make their money! Kinda dirty homie!

3. Tiger Woods

This fake ass black monkey makes me sick. Although his BLACK father taught how to play golf, he doesn't admit or acknowledge his black heritage. Recently he was caught cheating on his wife with 105 different white women...

You right, this was huge and she did call that hoe, serves ya punk ass right! Not only did she call you but she chased ya ass out the house with a golf club and made you crash into a tree, I guess this was the Asian inside controlling the car.

Winner: Sammy Sosa's fake white ass. Lookin like a big ass tube of Colgate, you sicken me.


1. Tyler Perry

I personally hate him and Madea. If I see another Madea goes here, Madea's big this, Madea's big that, I'm going to kill myself. How about Madea Goes to Hell and Burn Forever. He takes every stereotype of angry black women and throws it in a play with bad jokes and then re-releases the same shit in movie theaters! And then, he came out with a crap ass television show with the same stupid nonsense.

2. Taraji P. Henson

I actually like Taraji Henson as an actress but I don't know what the hell she was thinking to agree to perform this number at the Oscar's...

The Oscar's are typically attended by predominately by white actor's, screenwriters and director's. It's hard to fathom that any one of them wanted to see or hear this coonery, probably only to laugh at what some black people would do for a check. Three 6 Mafia please quit, hang up the mic and don't ever rap again, don;t even freestyle in the shower. This was some stereotypical black foolishness. I can't even watch the video again to give commentary because it's just too idiotic.

3. Terrence Howard

First of all I dislike Terrence Howard due to his sub-par acting ability.

He also had a problem with Tyler Perry doing Madea but then turned around and put out Hustle & Flow. I never seen the movie but from the looks of previews I'm pretty sure it was about a wannabe rapper who had an afro with a perm and only wore wife beaters!

Winner: Tyler Perry - He's actually a double coon for bieng himself, Tyler and also as Madea the Ghetto Ass Black Grandma who smokes weed and carries a gun in her pocket book but loves the lord.

New Coon Award

Herman Cain

I absolutely hate this punk ass politician. Here's a clip showing our man Cain spit that Coon Knowledge.

He's Anti-Barack! How can you say something like racism doesn't hold people back when the jail systems are full of black people literally being held back. It's true that many that are incarcerated do commit crimes, BUT, many blacks, as well as Hispanics receive more time for the same crime. Example: Connor (white kid) is caught with three grams of cocaine, sentenced to a month probation and his record cleaned. Tyriq (black kid) gets caught with a dime bag of Mary J and his thrown in prison for two years with no parole and his voting abilities stripped away. Since Tyriq may be unemployed, the judge says that Tyriq intended on selling that nickle bag of green and he should be punished! Blah, blah, blah. I had some blacks work at my pizzeria and that's how I know racism doesn't exist. In another interview Cain claims that Wall Street wasn't responsible for this horrible economy. What? He basically is saying, "Hello Rich Men, see how I get on my knees for you, I love this kinda work"! So I guess predatory lending, the housing bubble, deregulation of the housing market and Wall Street, with their use of derivatives had nothing to do with anything! AIG, Freddie Mac and others just made some bad business decisions, went bankrupt, threw people out of homes and then got bailed out by American taxpayer's only to have their salaries tripled and bonuses double? Yes, on second thought that's just good old American Capitalism at work...the rich capitalize off the poor!

Lifetime Achievement

Clarence Thomas

This is basically Herman Cain but much more sinister! He was appointed Supreme Judge by the one and only black people-lover George W. Bush! He's against things like affirmative action but not against sexual abuse, just ask Anita Hill. He then married a white women who was both a Republican and also Tea Party advocate named Virginia; even his wife had to be named after a Southern State. It's too much to say in too little time, just read up on this lifetime great coon!

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