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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Top 5 Weirdest Things in Music Videos

5. There Goes My Baby- Usher

In this video, we have a lovely young lady on top of a roof! I guess when people are watching the video, its supposed to come across as artistic, but it fails! I can't understand for the life of me why a female is dressed in fresh white linen, only to sit atop Usher's roof! Maybe she was spying on him, maybe that's the girl from Confessions that Usher was talking about cheating on Chile with, who knows! But I guess it helps drive home the songs title, "There Goes My Baby!" Usher was probably taking out trash and decided to take a glimpse to the roof and said, "Oh, here you are, there goes my baby!" Then this idiot jumps up for a kiss! Can you say whipped? I be damned if I jump on somebody's roof for one regular kiss, risking life and injury.

4. Pop Champagne- Ron Browz

I hope that's the correct link! The video starts off normal, rappers chilling in the club, talking to women and popping champagne. And then something weird happens! Other guys start giving other guys "Champagne Showers!" I beleive someone starts to jump up and down while getting liquid poured on them by another man! Now I'm not saying this is gay I'm just saying straight guys don't do this stuff! I find it a bit disturbing to say the least!

3. The Lazy Song- Bruno Mars

I'm going to give Bruno the benefit of the doubt and say he was high while writing and recording the video for this song! For one, the concept is about being lazy all day but Mr. Mars speaks of doing P90X! Pretty sure well trained athletes don't do even do these exercises when working out! Secondly, the dancing is horrible! Pulling down their pants, putting their hands down their pants, dancing around like retarded monkies! Someone should have sat his high ass down and told him to sober up and think things out!

2. Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga makes the list as an artist starring in anyone of her many weird music videos! From the way she dresses to the ways she dances to the way she looks, and acts, this girl has become a Fame Monster! I can't follow any logic used in shooting her videos and the corresponding lyrics of her songs! I guess they just point the camera and shoot and tell her to just try and keep her costume on!

1. I'm on One- Lil Wayne, Rick Ross and Drake

Couldn't find an official video and don't care to look longer than two minutes! These three rappers are on every song out! They run the industry! I find Drake's part a little weird! It's roughly, 10 to 15 dudes sitting in a dimly lit room on plastic furniture, I'm guessing they stole someone's grandmother furniture. They're no lights on in the room and Drake is the only guy moving around!?! It looks like its about 6am, so I have no idea what they were doing in that room sitting on plastic furniture at the crack of dawn. At least play XBOX or something! And its only like three chairs, you got people sitting on the arms of the chair and shit! I feel like they could have turned on at least one light and made it look like they didn't shoot this video in someone's house, seconds before the person moved out! I guess I'm On One means they are on a B&E ( breaking and entering) crime spree stealing plastic furniture!

Ambiguous Terminology II

1. Democratic Elections

America is founded upon the principles of "freedom" and "democracy." Once every four years, elections are held, giving the American public the chance to select a money hungry, thieving politician to represent them! However, like many other concepts taught to us in life, many of us don't fully understand how the concept of "American Democracy" works! Firstly, elections are truly decided by the electoral college! Depending on the size of a state and how many of the different voting districts go Republican or Democrat, determines which candidate gets the votes from that state. There are 538 electoral votes in all and a presidential candidate, for example, needs 270 to win an election. Every state gets one vote for each of its members in the House of Representatives and Senate. Many "try" to vote for the same candidate that their district votes for, but may not! So, these votes are the votes that matter! Additionally, there's been several instances of not giving some people the same voting functionality. Let's say Philadelphia has 5 million people but only 1,000 voting booth, located places that are hard to reach for many without private transportation. Secondly, our politicians are idiots, with little to no interest invested in your life! Many of our elected leaders are wealthy business men and former CEO's and COO's of fortune 500 companies! And after a brief stint in politics, many go back to those same jobs! So when fighting a war in Afghanistan under Bush and the contract for rebuilding infrastructure goes to VP Dick Cheney, owner of Haliburton, its evident that decisions are being made to increase profits for one another, not in helping the average American. I can't be the only person who see's something fundamentally wrong with this flawed system; electing rich men and women who have never lived the lives that many Americans must endure a lifetime! Lastly, there are two things. One refers to the system of choosing people who will represent the party! Both parties hold Conventions and decide who should be placed on the ticket after the conclusion of primaries, which is a time when anyone can say they're running for office! Therein lies the second problem! Usually, the politician who raises the most money not only wins the primaries but also wins the election! And I say usually, but its more akin to ALL OF THE TIME! What do you think these individuals and corporations expect after the guy they give $700 million to campaign with wins an office? Maybe a favor or two, or five? Precisely! To conclude, it doesn't matter who wins, or who you want to win! There's only one winner at the end of the day, Corporate America! Elections are done every four years to give people the illusion that they have choice and that their choice matters! The two parties, truly, serve as two factions of one party, The Corporate Party!

2. Freedom

America is advertised as the land of the free! And to a large extent, this is true! We have rights in this country that many around the world don't enjoy and for this I'm grateful! But, let's examine a few things! For beginners, why is it that human rights are delegated to people by countries? One would think, due to the fact that one is born with the ability to talk and language to speak with, that they are capable of saying what they will! However, we need rich men, usually, to tell us that we have this right! And if these rights can be taken away, are they really rights or just present privileges? It's like being on punishment. A kid gets a bad grade in school and their parent takes away their television privileges, which is a favor, not a punishment! However, the kid now has no access to watching their favorite episode of Jersey Shore, so did the kid truly have that access to begin with or was it a privilege bestowed by their parents as long as they kept up with this applied contract? This country, weirdly, has never granted all its citizens the same rights or privileges uniformly. There was slavery, discrimination against immigrants, women and most recently, gays! If we agree that America is a so-called "Free Country," how can we vote and pass laws that take away another group's rights? Either everyone has rights or the system is merely a joke, paraded around to make some feel more privileged than others! Taxes, menial 9-5 occupations, more taxes, laws, statutes and even more taxes all have the power to detract from our feeling of freedom!

3. Diet and Low Fat

Americans are fat! In a country where excess signifies success, this seems evident that we would all be overweight! Companies have realized that many fat people want to lose weight and decided to cash in on this oppurtunity! Thus, the creation of diet sodas, low fat milk, diet broccoli and low fat butter! Surprisingly, the ingredients that goes into these same products actually do many people more harm, making it difficult to shed those pounds. Instead of going to the gym, or eating better foods, we eat the same crap, and think its better because it says diet or low fat. We still purchase the oreo's, drink the sodas and eat the chips! You ever see someone with a table full of food and have the audacity to be sipping a diet coke? You silly, fat soul! Truth is, the many sugars replaced in these products and other additives actually make you hungrier so you eat more! If I'm selling chips to people, I don't want them to go on diets and eat healthier. I want them to think they can eat the same junk in a better way! Results show that this is untrue, just another way to screw over heavy people across the nation!

4. Money

Money is a strange concept, but basically serves as a tool for exchanging goods and services! It also helps people discriminate against one another and look at some with a feeling of superiority! However, its intended purpose was to create a system of selling goods and creating a stable economy! Currently, America is in a recession and in debt! They first get on television and say, "We can spend our way out of this! The markets need confidence!" If someone was told to spend more money when already owing in bills, mortgage, car notes and such, you would say that was the worst advice ever given! So if it doesn't make sense on a micro level, why then would it be the best solution on a macro level? Our financial system is based on money, gold and credit or more precisely, paper, rocks and thin air! How can we really ever be in debt! It could be the result of buying into a system, made by the elite, protected by liars and cheats that was designed to make you dependent on money! People want to believe their independent, but in fact, are slaves to the almighty dollar or more correctly the almighty green-dyed piece of paper! In a song by The Verge, entitled "Bittersweet Symphony" they say, " Try to make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die." Which is pretty much true for the vast demographic of working class people! Our financial system is based on debt, inflation is built within the system! We have what is called a fractional money reserve system! The money is created and distributed by The Federal Reserve, which isn't owned by America, and then loaned out to the government with interest! More money is then created to help us pay the debt which we cannot afford and we end up in more debt! For example, if Susie has a credit card for $500 and must pay it back with 10% interest, she would owe the bank $550. Let's say Susie is a stripper and her pole is torn down. So she takes out a loan to pay the bank. When she pays, her balance is 0, which is what Clinton did, but then she ends up owing more money! Let's say the bank gives her a $550 loan with a 20% interest rate!  She now owes the bank $660 and the cycle continues until she can't pay and the bank takes everything she owns! We'll call said bank "Bank of America!" It's clearly stated in the Constitution, that only Congress can print and distribute money, but some time ago, private bankers got a law passed in Congress, of all places, that gave The Federal Reserve aka The Fed the ability to print money or more precisely force us all into bondage, trying to pay off America's debt! Take a look at a dollar right now! It says it is legal tender to cover all debt, public and private, not to be used to accrue wealth!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Ambiguous Terminology

Some words are used in today's lexicon that just don't make sense! We hear these words from politicians, religious leaders, and most of all, advertisments! Usually, when a company wants to mislead the public to sell some mediocre product, they use buzzwords and terms that stir emotions. Some of these words appear so frequently, we tend not to give them a second thought! But fret not, we will explore them here!

1. Pre-emptive war

GW Bush The Junior used this word tirelessly to get American support to bomb people in Iraq and Afghanistan! Everyday on the news, he would say, " Yes, pre-emptive war is the key to fighting terriorism." Here's my issue, a pre-emptive war or post-whatever war is....still a WAR. This pre-emptive war has been raging for over a decade with no definite signs of withdrawal! Nowhere else would this term make any sense! "Hey, listen, we're going to have a pre-emptive fight! We're going to fight now to avoid fighting later!" Actually we are just putting the fight in the express lane, we won't fight later because we're fighting now! Try using it with a lady! "Umm, I know you want to wait until marriage but, I say we have pre-emptive sex, so we don't have to fool around later!" And due to the relatively low IQ of today's average American, it made sense. It makes sense spending a trillion dollars a day on a war, not getting the bad guy until ten years later and going into debt and also killing miliions of people in this pre-emptive war! Sounds pretty much like a war to me! Pre-emptive missiles, pre-emptive bullets and pre-emptive wars, turns out to cause the same devastation as regular wars! Go figure!

2. Natural Flavor in Soda

Now I'm not sure the last time any of you looked at the ingredients in your Sprite or Mountain Dew but, none of those things seem natural to me! Glycloxic Acid, trechateryaoxide, and a bunch of others words you wouldn't be able to tell if I made up or came directly from a label! I made those two up, by the way! Nothing natural about it! I would expect to see something like tea leaves, sugar or apples! There is neither lemon or lime in lemon-lime, natural flavor sodas! So without natural ingredients, how can we get natural flavor, we cannot! We get a burning sensation that lasts three moons after we digest many sodas, but we drink it so often that our bodies become accustomed to drinking very unnatural ingredients and experiencing a very unnatural flavor! So to get by the fact that soft drink companies use artificial ingredients, they say, "Well at least we made it taste like something natural," hence the term, natural flavor!

3. Medicine vs. Drugs

I understand Big Pharma has to turn a ridiculously high profit margin every year, but let's be honest, what really constitutes a drug or medicine? I would say it may be hard to call anything that grows naturally a drug, even though things like mushrooms can illict hallucinations, so can not getting enough sleep! So weed, that grows in nature is illegal but this batch of Bacardi 151 is cool to drink, as long as you do it responsibly, but I assume I could smoke responsibly as well! Tynenol is a medicine? Weird how I can't find anything that grows on this planet called Tynenol but hey, if its manufactured in a plant its fine as long as it doesn't grow like a plant! That's weird and clever all at once! Cigarettes are also legal, even though they kill millions of people annually! Tobacco lobbyists keep begging the government to make it available in stores and to young kids so that they make money, and I guess its good enough for us to keep it legal! So obviously it isn't the effects that a chemical has that classifies whether or not its a drug or medicine but a group of rich people who want to make profits! Many pharmaceutical companies have to recall pills because, sometimes, unfortunately, their medicine kills people! I'm not a scientist or researcher or a research scientist but I'm pretty sure killing people is not the outcome someone wants when taking medicine for a sickness. Medicine, which by the way, only really stops the syptoms for 1 or 2 hours, not make you well, is actually causing more harm then well-being! Our bodies can cure itself on its own, how surprising! I would also postulate, that the reason medicine "cures" symtpoms for a few hours and not cure the causes of pain or sickness, is due to the fact that they want more and more money! See a pattern? We want money, to Hell with everything else! Fix a symptom for long enough that a person can feel better but not long enough so that they don't need more medicine! At least a good drug can keep you high for several hours (6-7 hrs) out lasting most medicinal efforts!

4. Happiness

I don't know what it is, I'm not here to define it! In my best guess, I speculate, happiness is a journey, not a destination! Meaning, its what you engage in that brings you joy, one's experiences; not having tangible things or reaching a specific goal with no efforts of continued growth! That's just my opinion folks, but I can say that many companies try selling manufactured happiness! Check it out: (Parental Advisory)

Coca-Cola: Open Happiness!
Should read...
Coca-Cola: Open sugar, and shit! Use to be coke and shit!

ACE Aviation Holdings: At Air Canada we're not happy until your happy!
Should be...
"At Air Canada we're not making money until you cut the fucking check!"

IHOP: IHOP restaurant. Come Hungry. Leave Happy.
Should be...
IHOP restaurant. Come Here. Eat. Pay. Get the Hell Out.

Trying to sell happiness in bottles of sugar, dry pancakes and excursions by plane, amongst others, are the keys to capitalism! Where people spend money they don't have, on things they don't need, and complain about being broke; not realizing its their mentality that's piss poor! But at least you thought you were happy by doing so!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Top 5 Haters

Everybody dislikes a hater! Some Haters are entertaing and some are just flat out hateful for no justifiable reason! Haters like to down play the success of others and humiliate them along the way! Poking fun at any flaw they may have, Haters have a keen eye for negative facets of an otherwise successful person. Sometimes people with legitimate opinions are miscatergorized as being a Hater! This list will show you the different types of Haters and an example of who fits the bill!

5. Propaganda Hate- FOX News

Rupert Murdoch and his crew of croonies makes the list at number five. For some reason FOX news hates black people, The Democratic Party, Michelle Obama, who is both black and a democrat, at least married to one! FOX also hates children, schools, and well informed citizens! They try to say they're fair and balanced but even a dead, blind man can see that isn't true! They like to sensationalize stories like Common speaking at The White House, calling him a cop killer! I mean there's plenty of rappers that flat out say, " I shoot cops or don't mind them being shot." Common isn't one of those emcees, but they get on air and distort facts and lyrics, trying to push home their lies! It's bad already listening to Bill O'Reily spew nonsense over the airwaves but seriously, listening to him recite lyrics about how Common, of all people, likes killing cops is a joke! But when cops are caught on camera killing innocent blacks, its a job well done! Check out the song Sly Fox by Nas!

4. Political Haters- Obama Critics

Bill Clinton had the same problem and so did John F. Kennedy and so does Ron Paul. When a well liked President or politician stands for the people or fights for the people they are attacked! Often labeled as weak, crazy, and in Clinton's case, a sex-wild liar, they will find any reason to bash and ridicule certain politicians. Obama didn't even move into The White House before he was attacked by many different and irrelevant insults! He's not really American they said, he smoked pot, he's Muslim, even though they always use to criticize the pastor at his Christian church! He's not experienced, he likes rap, he's too much of a celebrity! It was every minute detail they could conceive to get 96 year old John McCain and special Olympics hopeful Sarah Palin into office! George Bush started wars, spent us into debt, let Katrina kill New Orleanians, signed a law into existence that takes away rights, The Patriot Act, and I'm sure he couldn't spell America! And stole a presidency! But Obama gets scrutinized every step of the way!

3. Racial Hate- Ku Klux Klan

First off, blacks, according to these nitwits, are supposed to be dumb, so when a rapper spells thugs like thugz, he's miseducated and silly but the KKK spells clan like Klan and its edgy? Maybe the most hateful group of whites in the world, just beating out Republicans, the KKK has serious hater issues. It was surprising to learn in school that even though these people hated blacks, they employed them, in their homes of all places, raped the women and tried looking like black women with wearing garments designed to make their butts look bigger! A process that continues by tanning, or getting Botex injections in their lips! The KKK got together to wear costumes and even tried leaving the Union, with their ugly ass Confederate flag. Anytime I see one, I definitely walk the other way. I feel like it takes so much energy to hate someone to the extent that these coneheads did! Why? Simple, we were black and they were trying to keep the white bloodline pure! Sounds like a bad episode of True Blood to me, but that was their goal, white supremecy! You ever notice how Black Power is about being united and White Power is about being divided and killing folk, and blacks are supposed to be violent!

2. Religious Hate- The Devil, Lucifer, Satan

He or she may not be real but from the stories told, The Devil is one heartless, cold mother-mother! The Devil hates everybody! The Devil even hated baby Jesus, damn that's crazy, he could have saved you Lucifer, but no, The Devil doesn't give a damn! I am aware that these people are not necessarily the same person, but they are all hateful to the same degree. Lucifer was a fallen Angel, because to put it plainly, he was hating on God! Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden becuase he hated them and God. The Devil tempted Jesus in the desert because The Devil is evil and full of unrelenting hate, the hate never stops, its eternal. That's forever hate! He can't stop, won't stop, he's the Diddy of The Underworld! The Devil isn't too smart apparently, becuase all religious books say that the Devil will lose but the hate won't stop him! It's like watching a basketball game and the losing team keeps fouling the winning team and launching threes! The game is over player, your losing by 50 points with two seconds on the clock, just give up Satan, damn! Your causing people to sin, losing the gift of eternal life you hateful deity!

1. Personal Hate- The Diabolical Hater

Skip Bayless! Skip's hate even surpasses Satan's, which may seem impossible but not if you watch First and Ten. There is one person that Skip doesn't hate, and that's Michael Jordan. I think Skip would give his life for Air Jordan if needed! But he absolutely hates everyone else, all the time. He hates me and I never met him! He would say Jordan is the best Blogger of all time and I should give up! He especially hates LeBron James or as he calls him Prince James or Lebrick! Even if LeBron got a triple-triple or a quadruple-quadruple, Skip still wouldn't give him props! Skip Bayless has no soul, but he entertains me, so I like him even though he hates me without remorse! I'm pretty sure Skip hates himself too, or maybe he thinks he's Jordan, I'm not sure but I can say this, he is the ruler, the top dog in this Haters World!

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The Introduction

Sure, I have a name, but I don't use it! It's a name I don't particularly like, given to me by my parents. I was named after one of my parents, and born on a cold, dreary day; my life reflects that day! It rains every year on my birthday, without fail, I wonder at times if I'm cursed!

So I don't use my name, as previously mentioned, names are labels really, a label given to you so society knows how to get your attention, to converse and interact. Saying, "Hey, you" would be a little confusing when talking to a group of people. So we're labeled! For what its worth, I conceive many things as labels. Our sexuality, religion, education level, career and such maintains a system of labels used to identify people quickly, based off of that particular label. I could tell people that I'm a teacher, but I don't of course! Saying that triggers a very predictable string of other questions. What subject do you teach? How old are your students? Do you like teaching? Where do you teach? Do you know this person or that person? All so predictable and tiring, regurgitating the same answers to the same questions over and over. I'm not one for small talk. It disturbs me, complete strangers wanting so much personal information about me, a person they just met! Why? I'm paranoid at times, anti-social at others. So I tell people that I'm employed, but that's also a label, so there's several questions that occur within this response also! What do you do? How do you like what you do? Does it pay well? I always reply by saying how much I enjoy my work and eventually the questions cease! They know little to nothing about me, and I rather it that way!

This serves as an introduction to my story that I'm willing to tell you! I know some information seems androgynous, if not all of it, but I really don't like labeling myself. For this I apologize, however, I believe when what separates us is discarded, its easier to accept and empathize with one another, the main ingredient to respect and love. The characters introduced later on are usually not other humans, but their names will give them away! I wonder at times if this life is real? Actually, what is "real" or what constitutes "reality" has also puzzled me! At times I think this life is one lucid dream and we awake upon death! Many believe that people don't die, we cease to exist physically but our spirit or essence lives on! Well then, were we ever created to begin with? That without end cannot have a beginning, or could it? I have been around for quite some time, my age is irrelevant, and have come up with a few keys to unlocking the absurdities of life and finding comfort in this cruel and freightening world! I feel I owe you that much, if nothing else! I hope you learn something, as this remains the one important and constant aspect of my work, which you should know what that is, at least. Although we all share this occupation to some degree! I can remember exactly how this all happened! Father Time has unraveled a few secrets for me, and more importantly, served as the best medicine from life's most excruciating pain!
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Top 5 Problems With College

Many of us post-grad students go to college in hopes of attaining a degree, with a career we love, making a decent amount of cash along the way. To many, college is just the next step climbing the ladder to a fulfilling life. And herein lies the problem! Many people live their lives in a series of steps, which family, friends or society prescribes as the best moves for one to make. Go to college, get a job, marry and reproduce, and finally, death! Sometimes, we can feel suffocated by not feeling as though we have choices or that the choices we choose aren't in accordance with the person we want to be in this life. College serves as a great example! Many of my closest friends have questioned if going to college was worth it, and many that have degrees still are employed in mediocre jobs, making an hourly wage. This list sheds light on a few problems, I see, that college students and grads, may endure!

5. Professors

Professors are scum, well let's say most professors! Many have this sense of power, like cops or club bouncers! It's their class, their rules. Sick and missed a class? So what, no excuses, even if you die, no reason to miss my class, tell your ghost to take the test for you! Oh, you have an interview for a job after school? So what, if you go I'll flunk you and you'll be here another year! Then there's the issue of examinations. Professors give exams with questions such as: Can you tell me what time it is?
A. Three o'clock
B. 3:00 pm
C. 3am
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
F. I'm number illiterate and can't read time
You always have those loser professors that try to be funny on an exam! Now it may seem as though most answers could suffice but professors, the weirdos that most of them are, always find some little reason to mess with your head! If you answered A your correct because that's the only answer that can be given if it's 3pm or 3am! They provide multiple choice answers that differ only by one or two words, and think it an efficient way to test knowledge of a subject! I remember being informed in high school that college tests weren't about route memorization and that in college, professors didn't take attendance! Wrong and its true that some professors don't take attendance but 99% of them do! They find anyway to take 5% off a grade because realistically, professors want tenure and its hard to get tenure when your handing out A's to everyone in class! The professor hustle! They write text books every year in order to make money and have the audacity to teach a class about reserving natural resources! These books will contain one or two additional sentences, and be named 2nd Edition and sold for $300! Blow me! The professor hustle is even worse at large, research-driven universities. They don't give a damn what you learn, as long as someone is writing them a big enough check to study the mating patterns of insects! Furthermore, most professors can't teach! Talking from a PowerPoint for ninety minutes doesn't say you're a good teacher, it says we may have found a cure for insomnia, so don't get upset when the majority of your class naps or text in class because you're so boring!

4. Course Work

Let's try to guess why college degrees require four years of schooling. In most college info packets, they say its to make the student a well rounded individual. But, only if the student can afford to become a well rounded individual, seeing as how tuition is $3 million nowadays! Or maybe, they need a way to make more money, so they require lawyers to take music classes, doctors to take art classes and actors to take engineering classes! Many schools also offer certain classes, those many need to graduate, once a year! You ever get an assignment so absurd that it infuriates you? Today class I want you to keep a journal, that will count as class participation, solely for the purpose of entertaing me by reading about your personal issues! Seems like an elementary homework assignment to me! In college courses you may have exams, quizzes, pop quizzes, papers, reports, group projects, homework, class work, weekly assignments, mid-terms, finals and thought exercises all for one class! Pointless, mind-numbing work that preps students to become working members in corporate America, not for any specific career!

3. Your Degree

After graduating from a prestigious university and being tens of thousands of dollars in debt, your degree is supposed to be the key to jump starting your career. But soon you realize, degrees are not keys, just pieces of paper worth a lot of money you never had! I've talked to people who graduated from ivy league schools who were unemployed, not enough experience to get some jobs and over qualified for others! There are college grads working as cashiers at fast food places, janitors at companies and valet drivers! After dealing with obnoxious professors, completing pointless assignment after pointless assignment, the last thing you want to do is an entry level job. Especially when your degree is supposed to help you bipass that step. Your degree symbolizes the many sacrifices and steep price paid to complete schooling. It says I can learn any job rather quickly and stay focused around a group of binge drinkers. Also, there's a hint of classism in regards of where you go to receive your degree. Just like everything else in our society, there are different levels of degrees, such as Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate's. I always thought it weird that someone with a PH.D always asks to be referred to as doctor. I understand, you worked hard in school, good, you got your degree but don't tell me what to call you! Then there's different levels of colleges. From community colleges, two year schools, four year universities, public and private schools and of course ivy league schools. Community students look at high school grads as though they're beneath them and traditional four year grads look at community students the same way and ivy league grads look at everyone as stupid and inferior! Another way in which to divide people and have them fight each other! Either way, where ever you are just remember, C's earn degrees!

2. Indoctrination or Education?

The problem with college as well as many other institutions, is the fact that there are people behind the scenes who have a vested interest in the results of an outcome. Let's say the referees for the Super Bowl bet on a certain team to win and are the refs calling penalities and possibly changing the outcome of a game. It's easy to see how the games outcome would be effected by someone with reasons to have one team win over another. College is very similar. Most universities do deals with major corporations for money. Maybe the school only offers PNC Banks on campus meaning that PNC gives the school some money and PNC gets lifelong customers in return. It's hard to think that the many deals that colleges and corporations engage in have no impact in what's taught in the classroom. Even in the case of professors, teachers trying to get published to get research grants and selling textbooks are presenting you with their point of view, not cultivating the students outlook of the world which is essentially what true education does. In college, your given the task of writing papers that basically follows this formula: pick from the subjects that I (I being the professor) tell you to write about, and then go and find "experts" from the field and cite what they think in your paper because, they're supposed to be correct! Your opinion or critiques of what is being forced in your head are rarley taken into consideration. This is also evident in the public school system, where the state tells the teacher what must be covered for the sake of passing a standardized test! This is why most young children don't know the truth about Thanksgiving or think Ben Franklin invented electricity. Even when I was a youngster, schools attempted to replace the word slavery with "peculiar institution." I guess raping women, killing children, owning and selling humans as property and forcing people to work for free, to death may seem a little peculiar to some! In certain states in America today, there's an attempt to remove talk of slavery all together, trying to clean up Americas image. All in all, college indoctrination and America's educational system as a whole, is an attempt to create obediant workers! College weeds out those who don't follow instruction or clash with the professor, known as insubordination, its an attempt to make those sumbit blindly to authority without questioning or thinking about why things are done, just to do what is told and expected!

1. Student Loans

Two quotes come to mind when thinking about the perils of student loan debt.
"A man in debt is so far a slave"- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword and the other is by debt"-John Adams
Here's the thing folks, college is too expensive! The average person cannot afford school and therefore most take out loans, with 18% interest rates. So, when you go to pay back that $10,000 loan it comes out to be more like fifteen thousand dollars. The fact that college has become a big business does little to deter student after student from begging Sallie Mae for loan money! And six months after graduation you have to pay your debtors! Unfortunately, in todays economy one could be less financially stable after graduation then when enrolled in college! So many students are forced to take jobs with companies that promise to help pay off loans or join the miltary, hoping the government will lend a helping hand! You go from making a decision based on what it is you want to do, to doing what it is you have to do because of your debt! It's not uncommon for grads to have student loan bills totaling $700, $900 or even $1500 a month! Student loans do provide access for higher learning to those who cannot afford it, but it also comes with a thirty year repayment plan! It's weird to hear that some countries offer college education for free! One would think that may be an idea worth researching seeing as how the students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. However, families with money can easily afford tuition which makes it easier for the student in both the short term, no need to work 30 hours a week for a paycheck and the long term, no monthly loan bills and no debt! Student loans are crippling many people who can't afford college or stuck slaving away to repay their loans!

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Top 5 Reasons Why You May Hate Your Job

5. The Hours

The Early Morning Shift and The Overnight Shift are especially grueling! Working every holiday and weekend also tends to make many people upset and angry that they don't get that time to catch up with friends and family. Employers always tell their workers how working overnight can lead to more money! And usually it does, instead of making $8.25 an hour you can make $8.50 an hour! Wow! You're rolling in money now! Lastly, working the 40-60 hour week can leave you so drained energy wise that you only have the energy to eat and watch television after a work shift! You start to realize that big $8.50 an hour paycheck isn't really worth all the trouble!

4. The Uniform

Most jobs, especially non-salaried jobs, require workers to wear uniforms. It says, "Hey, I'm working for the logo on my chest and back!" It's usually the same setup, black slacks, black shoes, company shirt and for the lucky few, a snap back visor! The other issue typically, is personal style. Guys can't wear earrings, women can't wear make up, which some of them desperately need, no tattoos, facial hair, neck hair or pubic hair! Well they don't check for pubic hair often but you get the point! It's all about making everyone dress alike, walk alije, speak alike and think alike! No room for individuality because we own you! Or put the usual way, you work for us!

3. The Paycheck

I absolutely hate the fact that nearly every job I have ever held, pays bi-weekly! I don't work bi-weekly, so why pay me that way? I always thought it was weird to work 30/31 days a month only to get paid twice! After paying bills, rent, buying groceries and car notes, I'm surprised people have money to shop or do anything for entertainment! On second thought, the credit card is used a lot for these activities, leaving you yet another monthly bill to pay! Then we have taxes! Income tax, state tax, local tax, neighborhood, this tax and that tax! You ever look at your paycheck and think that something was missing. Making $10 an hour, 40 hours a week should net you a $800 dollar check, no! It may be $660 depending how Uncle Sam plans on robbing you that week!

2. Co-Workers

Some jobs can be bearable if working with the right people, however, most of the time, the co-workers are stupid, ignorant jerks! Co-workers have the ability to make a work shift seem like it lasts a lifetime. Some companies do company outtings, like amusement park trips or bowling parties. I already spend 8 hours a day with these fools, please don't let them into my personal life! There's also "Bring Your Child to Work" day. I'm not a fan of you coming unto work, let alone your toothless children and have no interest in meeting your idiot family. Keep that little hoe at home! I know its bad to call an eight year old a hoe, but old hoes were once young hoes, so I stand by my statement! Just keep your family away from me at work, please!

1. The Boss

The most hated aspect of any job by far! Evil by nature, cold-hearted bastards, most bosses are obnoxious! They do things like tell you about the "No Cell Phone Policy" and then excuse themselves right after to take a five minute call! Most bosses are also incompetent, and not able to do half the work that their employees do! They make more money and do less work. They have more benefits but no manners. They demand respect but give none! My mother always said that you are what you eat, so I guess that's why my boss is a dick!

There you have it folks! Legitimate reasons to hate your job and wish bad things on your boss! Companies conduct themselves in a manner that says, you need us, and we can easily replace you! You are required to put in two weeks but they can fire you in the middle of a shift! Always asking what you can do for them and rarely returning the favor! It's the era of wage slavery! Instead of being owned by a company, we rent ourselves out, akin to prostitution, kissing ass and bending over for a check! I say find something your passionate about and pursue it wholeheartedly! And don't get sucked in by the "Employee Discount." It's just another way of taking back the little they pay to you! Also don't get fooled by the term associate! We are workers who are associated with the company by getting screwed over time and time again! Workers at one company and consumers at the next, that's the story, that's the cycle! Someone once told me the less you want the less you have to work! He was referring to wanting products and material goods! "What we own can end up owning us." Now go and send me five dollars so I can download half of a Lady Gaga album from Itunes!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Top 5 Things Killing Black People!

Being a black male/female in America can be difficult at times. Sometimes you can feel out of place or feel like people are judging you based soley on the color of your skin. In addition, you have people or events that give you that weird feeling of, "Hey we're trying to kill you!" This list is meant to provide as a warning for those things and people trying to kill black folk!

5. The Republican Party/ Tea Party

Obviously, the Republican Party is trying to kill black people. Rich white men have been killing poor blacks in this country ever since the pilgrims killed off the Indians! High taxes, that they know people cannot afford, stubborn politics, like not willing to negotiate on the Health Care Bill are just a few examples of how these people are trying to kill blacks! And for all the Black Republicans in America, you're basically committing suicide by working for them! From George Bush to Sarah Palin, these dumb politicians are pulling all the cards in getting rid of black people. It took Bush 5 years to help Katrina victims but I know he makes it to the bank on time!

4. Souljah Boy's Rap Career

That's right! Souljah Boy's rap career is trying to kill black people! First, why the hell must you spell soldier like souljah? It's not cool or swagged out, it's fucking stupid! Dancing around like a black face from the 30's and saying its cool because you're making money, doesn't justify acting like a 3 year old retarded kid! Lyrically he sucks, his beats are okay, but everything else is an attempt to destroy his own people, hence the name Souljah Boy! Let's make a Souljah Boy record together: Just say _________ swag! Try it, "I got my fruity pebble swag", or my "Steve Hightower long coat swag" or maybe even "This right here is my left hand swag" Then jump around touching your knees, ankles or throat, turn in a circle and call it a dance! I won't let you kill me Souljah Boy!

3. Fox News

These idiots make me angry every time I watch this worthless channel! From O'Reiley to Hannity and that moron Glen Beck! I guess they find these people at KKK rallies and just hand them a mic and camera man! Fox will distort news, making certain people seem evil and the evil people seem good! I mean they referred to Michelle Obama as Obama's Baby Mama!! Then have the audacity to call themselves fair and balanced, yeah right, as about fair and balanced as John Mccains shoulder raise, yeah I said it!

2. Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry is responsible for some of the most ignorant and idiotic film and television I have ever seen in my life! Madea's BBQ Cookout, Madea Goes to Jail, because where else can angry black women go!?! How about Madea's Big Fat Ass Needs To Shut The Hell Up! I would pay to that, Tyler Perry dressed up and sitting in silence! It would be better than anything he's written so far! And for the people involved in his productions or fans of his, God doesn't love you and Obama is going to spend your tax return on du-rags and sporting wave grease! You idiots!

1. Worldstarhiphop.con

Or as I like to call it World' Now I will confess the coonery on this site can lure you into watching some dumb shit for a good thirty minutes or so! But then you always realize, "Why am I watching this?" And then turn it off! It's a tricky little devil. They'll post an uplifting poem right in the middle of a chick getting gang banged and a fight! It's always somebody fighting on this site! Maybe the creators of this website go to places and purposefully start brawls! "Yo he said something about ya mom" or " You gonna let that nigga say that." The typical everyday dumb shit that will set somebody off, and they sit back and film it! They are literally killing black people for a few video hits a day, with no shame at all! And I know some of you will read this and think, "Hmm, now that he mentions it, I haven't checked the site all day." Then you'll leave this blog and go there, shame on you too! I hope your kids are born with no thumbs and smell like bum feet, even after they shower! Scumbugs!!!
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top 5 Cool Gays!

5. The WNBA

The entire WNBA made the list as a staff, record label and a crew! It's no secret that 99% of female athletes are lesbian, especially female basketball players. I think 103% of the WNBA are lesbians with a plus/minus ratio of 3%! All the coaches in the league look like John Stockton or Justin Bieber! However, they provide wholesome family entertainment without dunks and spectacular plays of the more heterosexual NBA. Who likes dunks anyway, right!?! From Lisa Leslie to Rebecca Lobo, Candace Parker and the three others I know but can't remember the names, its one big sweaty LesBall going on the court. Maybe if they taped the players making out their ratings would go up! Just tape the cute girls though, some WNBA players look like Sam Cassell with a weave, yuck! Jawana Men with noonday, but you all are cool in my book!

4. Queen Latifah

First off we all knew she was hay after the now infamous "Set It Off" scene! From "Living Single" to "Single Ladies" the Queen has been running through hoes for awhile now! And she remains one of the best rapper turned actors/actresses in Hollywood! She has classic songs, sitcoms, movies and is clearly a very talented gay! I know why you really punched that guy for touching your butt in the "Unity" video, its because you had a crush on his sister, well play on playa...keep doing your thing! U-N-I-T-Y!

3. Don Lemon

This guy is one funny, cool gay dude! Jon Stewart helped propel him to the number three spot. He kinda reminds me of the lawyer Tom on the show "The Boondocks". He's one of those people who are funny without trying to be! The other black, male anchor on this network sucks, unfortunately I cannot remember his name but maybe if he turns gay he can be cool like Lemon. I'm pretty sure guys ask him, "If he wants his Lemons squeezed" a lot!

2. Anderson Cooper

The grey haired, popular news anchor. He doesn't call himself an anchor for nothing but actually anchors himself in the crisis and report amid the chaos. He reported from a boat when Katrina was raging in New Orleans, he reported during the Haiti earthquake even though "aid" to help the citizens couldn't het in, he was at my 13th birthday party when I fell off my bike and broke my hand...I didn't even tell my mother what happened because Anderson Cooper was there when I fell, come think of it, he may have been the one who pushed me! But he's still cool enough to be number two on this list!

1. Neil Patrick Harris

The number one spot goes to Mr. Harris solely for his performance on "How I Met Your Mother" television show! If you never seen an episode its probably because you're homophobic, shame on you!! I guarantee if you watch this show, his character will amuse and entertain! Although he's a womanizer and not a manizer on the show, it's cool because he came out before the show and never been ashamed of who he was! Which is what this country needs, acceptance! Maybe if you don't want to see two women or men kiss you may want to reconsider living in a "FREE COUNTRY" and seriously discrimination is wack! And if you don't like it I will send Neil Patrick to sleep with your mother and or father, our number one cool gay!
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