1. Democratic Elections
America is founded upon the principles of "freedom" and "democracy." Once every four years, elections are held, giving the American public the chance to select a money hungry, thieving politician to represent them! However, like many other concepts taught to us in life, many of us don't fully understand how the concept of "American Democracy" works! Firstly, elections are truly decided by the electoral college! Depending on the size of a state and how many of the different voting districts go Republican or Democrat, determines which candidate gets the votes from that state. There are 538 electoral votes in all and a presidential candidate, for example, needs 270 to win an election. Every state gets one vote for each of its members in the House of Representatives and Senate. Many "try" to vote for the same candidate that their district votes for, but may not! So, these votes are the votes that matter! Additionally, there's been several instances of not giving some people the same voting functionality. Let's say Philadelphia has 5 million people but only 1,000 voting booth, located places that are hard to reach for many without private transportation. Secondly, our politicians are idiots, with little to no interest invested in your life! Many of our elected leaders are wealthy business men and former CEO's and COO's of fortune 500 companies! And after a brief stint in politics, many go back to those same jobs! So when fighting a war in Afghanistan under Bush and the contract for rebuilding infrastructure goes to VP Dick Cheney, owner of Haliburton, its evident that decisions are being made to increase profits for one another, not in helping the average American. I can't be the only person who see's something fundamentally wrong with this flawed system; electing rich men and women who have never lived the lives that many Americans must endure a lifetime! Lastly, there are two things. One refers to the system of choosing people who will represent the party! Both parties hold Conventions and decide who should be placed on the ticket after the conclusion of primaries, which is a time when anyone can say they're running for office! Therein lies the second problem! Usually, the politician who raises the most money not only wins the primaries but also wins the election! And I say usually, but its more akin to ALL OF THE TIME! What do you think these individuals and corporations expect after the guy they give $700 million to campaign with wins an office? Maybe a favor or two, or five? Precisely! To conclude, it doesn't matter who wins, or who you want to win! There's only one winner at the end of the day, Corporate America! Elections are done every four years to give people the illusion that they have choice and that their choice matters! The two parties, truly, serve as two factions of one party, The Corporate Party!
2. Freedom
America is advertised as the land of the free! And to a large extent, this is true! We have rights in this country that many around the world don't enjoy and for this I'm grateful! But, let's examine a few things! For beginners, why is it that human rights are delegated to people by countries? One would think, due to the fact that one is born with the ability to talk and language to speak with, that they are capable of saying what they will! However, we need rich men, usually, to tell us that we have this right! And if these rights can be taken away, are they really rights or just present privileges? It's like being on punishment. A kid gets a bad grade in school and their parent takes away their television privileges, which is a favor, not a punishment! However, the kid now has no access to watching their favorite episode of Jersey Shore, so did the kid truly have that access to begin with or was it a privilege bestowed by their parents as long as they kept up with this applied contract? This country, weirdly, has never granted all its citizens the same rights or privileges uniformly. There was slavery, discrimination against immigrants, women and most recently, gays! If we agree that America is a so-called "Free Country," how can we vote and pass laws that take away another group's rights? Either everyone has rights or the system is merely a joke, paraded around to make some feel more privileged than others! Taxes, menial 9-5 occupations, more taxes, laws, statutes and even more taxes all have the power to detract from our feeling of freedom!
3. Diet and Low Fat
Americans are fat! In a country where excess signifies success, this seems evident that we would all be overweight! Companies have realized that many fat people want to lose weight and decided to cash in on this oppurtunity! Thus, the creation of diet sodas, low fat milk, diet broccoli and low fat butter! Surprisingly, the ingredients that goes into these same products actually do many people more harm, making it difficult to shed those pounds. Instead of going to the gym, or eating better foods, we eat the same crap, and think its better because it says diet or low fat. We still purchase the oreo's, drink the sodas and eat the chips! You ever see someone with a table full of food and have the audacity to be sipping a diet coke? You silly, fat soul! Truth is, the many sugars replaced in these products and other additives actually make you hungrier so you eat more! If I'm selling chips to people, I don't want them to go on diets and eat healthier. I want them to think they can eat the same junk in a better way! Results show that this is untrue, just another way to screw over heavy people across the nation!
4. Money
Money is a strange concept, but basically serves as a tool for exchanging goods and services! It also helps people discriminate against one another and look at some with a feeling of superiority! However, its intended purpose was to create a system of selling goods and creating a stable economy! Currently, America is in a recession and in debt! They first get on television and say, "We can spend our way out of this! The markets need confidence!" If someone was told to spend more money when already owing in bills, mortgage, car notes and such, you would say that was the worst advice ever given! So if it doesn't make sense on a micro level, why then would it be the best solution on a macro level? Our financial system is based on money, gold and credit or more precisely, paper, rocks and thin air! How can we really ever be in debt! It could be the result of buying into a system, made by the elite, protected by liars and cheats that was designed to make you dependent on money! People want to believe their independent, but in fact, are slaves to the almighty dollar or more correctly the almighty green-dyed piece of paper! In a song by The Verge, entitled "Bittersweet Symphony" they say, " Try to make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die." Which is pretty much true for the vast demographic of working class people! Our financial system is based on debt, inflation is built within the system! We have what is called a fractional money reserve system! The money is created and distributed by The Federal Reserve, which isn't owned by America, and then loaned out to the government with interest! More money is then created to help us pay the debt which we cannot afford and we end up in more debt! For example, if Susie has a credit card for $500 and must pay it back with 10% interest, she would owe the bank $550. Let's say Susie is a stripper and her pole is torn down. So she takes out a loan to pay the bank. When she pays, her balance is 0, which is what Clinton did, but then she ends up owing more money! Let's say the bank gives her a $550 loan with a 20% interest rate! She now owes the bank $660 and the cycle continues until she can't pay and the bank takes everything she owns! We'll call said bank "Bank of America!" It's clearly stated in the Constitution, that only Congress can print and distribute money, but some time ago, private bankers got a law passed in Congress, of all places, that gave The Federal Reserve aka The Fed the ability to print money or more precisely force us all into bondage, trying to pay off America's debt! Take a look at a dollar right now! It says it is legal tender to cover all debt, public and private, not to be used to accrue wealth!
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