Some words are used in today's lexicon that just don't make sense! We hear these words from politicians, religious leaders, and most of all, advertisments! Usually, when a company wants to mislead the public to sell some mediocre product, they use buzzwords and terms that stir emotions. Some of these words appear so frequently, we tend not to give them a second thought! But fret not, we will explore them here!
1. Pre-emptive war
GW Bush The Junior used this word tirelessly to get American support to bomb people in Iraq and Afghanistan! Everyday on the news, he would say, " Yes, pre-emptive war is the key to fighting terriorism." Here's my issue, a pre-emptive war or post-whatever war is....still a WAR. This pre-emptive war has been raging for over a decade with no definite signs of withdrawal! Nowhere else would this term make any sense! "Hey, listen, we're going to have a pre-emptive fight! We're going to fight now to avoid fighting later!" Actually we are just putting the fight in the express lane, we won't fight later because we're fighting now! Try using it with a lady! "Umm, I know you want to wait until marriage but, I say we have pre-emptive sex, so we don't have to fool around later!" And due to the relatively low IQ of today's average American, it made sense. It makes sense spending a trillion dollars a day on a war, not getting the bad guy until ten years later and going into debt and also killing miliions of people in this pre-emptive war! Sounds pretty much like a war to me! Pre-emptive missiles, pre-emptive bullets and pre-emptive wars, turns out to cause the same devastation as regular wars! Go figure!
2. Natural Flavor in Soda
Now I'm not sure the last time any of you looked at the ingredients in your Sprite or Mountain Dew but, none of those things seem natural to me! Glycloxic Acid, trechateryaoxide, and a bunch of others words you wouldn't be able to tell if I made up or came directly from a label! I made those two up, by the way! Nothing natural about it! I would expect to see something like tea leaves, sugar or apples! There is neither lemon or lime in lemon-lime, natural flavor sodas! So without natural ingredients, how can we get natural flavor, we cannot! We get a burning sensation that lasts three moons after we digest many sodas, but we drink it so often that our bodies become accustomed to drinking very unnatural ingredients and experiencing a very unnatural flavor! So to get by the fact that soft drink companies use artificial ingredients, they say, "Well at least we made it taste like something natural," hence the term, natural flavor!
3. Medicine vs. Drugs
I understand Big Pharma has to turn a ridiculously high profit margin every year, but let's be honest, what really constitutes a drug or medicine? I would say it may be hard to call anything that grows naturally a drug, even though things like mushrooms can illict hallucinations, so can not getting enough sleep! So weed, that grows in nature is illegal but this batch of Bacardi 151 is cool to drink, as long as you do it responsibly, but I assume I could smoke responsibly as well! Tynenol is a medicine? Weird how I can't find anything that grows on this planet called Tynenol but hey, if its manufactured in a plant its fine as long as it doesn't grow like a plant! That's weird and clever all at once! Cigarettes are also legal, even though they kill millions of people annually! Tobacco lobbyists keep begging the government to make it available in stores and to young kids so that they make money, and I guess its good enough for us to keep it legal! So obviously it isn't the effects that a chemical has that classifies whether or not its a drug or medicine but a group of rich people who want to make profits! Many pharmaceutical companies have to recall pills because, sometimes, unfortunately, their medicine kills people! I'm not a scientist or researcher or a research scientist but I'm pretty sure killing people is not the outcome someone wants when taking medicine for a sickness. Medicine, which by the way, only really stops the syptoms for 1 or 2 hours, not make you well, is actually causing more harm then well-being! Our bodies can cure itself on its own, how surprising! I would also postulate, that the reason medicine "cures" symtpoms for a few hours and not cure the causes of pain or sickness, is due to the fact that they want more and more money! See a pattern? We want money, to Hell with everything else! Fix a symptom for long enough that a person can feel better but not long enough so that they don't need more medicine! At least a good drug can keep you high for several hours (6-7 hrs) out lasting most medicinal efforts!
4. Happiness
I don't know what it is, I'm not here to define it! In my best guess, I speculate, happiness is a journey, not a destination! Meaning, its what you engage in that brings you joy, one's experiences; not having tangible things or reaching a specific goal with no efforts of continued growth! That's just my opinion folks, but I can say that many companies try selling manufactured happiness! Check it out: (Parental Advisory)
Coca-Cola: Open Happiness!
Should read...
Coca-Cola: Open sugar, and shit! Use to be coke and shit!
ACE Aviation Holdings: At Air Canada we're not happy until your happy!
Should be...
"At Air Canada we're not making money until you cut the fucking check!"
IHOP: IHOP restaurant. Come Hungry. Leave Happy.
Should be...
IHOP restaurant. Come Here. Eat. Pay. Get the Hell Out.
Trying to sell happiness in bottles of sugar, dry pancakes and excursions by plane, amongst others, are the keys to capitalism! Where people spend money they don't have, on things they don't need, and complain about being broke; not realizing its their mentality that's piss poor! But at least you thought you were happy by doing so!
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