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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Top 5 Haters

Everybody dislikes a hater! Some Haters are entertaing and some are just flat out hateful for no justifiable reason! Haters like to down play the success of others and humiliate them along the way! Poking fun at any flaw they may have, Haters have a keen eye for negative facets of an otherwise successful person. Sometimes people with legitimate opinions are miscatergorized as being a Hater! This list will show you the different types of Haters and an example of who fits the bill!

5. Propaganda Hate- FOX News

Rupert Murdoch and his crew of croonies makes the list at number five. For some reason FOX news hates black people, The Democratic Party, Michelle Obama, who is both black and a democrat, at least married to one! FOX also hates children, schools, and well informed citizens! They try to say they're fair and balanced but even a dead, blind man can see that isn't true! They like to sensationalize stories like Common speaking at The White House, calling him a cop killer! I mean there's plenty of rappers that flat out say, " I shoot cops or don't mind them being shot." Common isn't one of those emcees, but they get on air and distort facts and lyrics, trying to push home their lies! It's bad already listening to Bill O'Reily spew nonsense over the airwaves but seriously, listening to him recite lyrics about how Common, of all people, likes killing cops is a joke! But when cops are caught on camera killing innocent blacks, its a job well done! Check out the song Sly Fox by Nas!

4. Political Haters- Obama Critics

Bill Clinton had the same problem and so did John F. Kennedy and so does Ron Paul. When a well liked President or politician stands for the people or fights for the people they are attacked! Often labeled as weak, crazy, and in Clinton's case, a sex-wild liar, they will find any reason to bash and ridicule certain politicians. Obama didn't even move into The White House before he was attacked by many different and irrelevant insults! He's not really American they said, he smoked pot, he's Muslim, even though they always use to criticize the pastor at his Christian church! He's not experienced, he likes rap, he's too much of a celebrity! It was every minute detail they could conceive to get 96 year old John McCain and special Olympics hopeful Sarah Palin into office! George Bush started wars, spent us into debt, let Katrina kill New Orleanians, signed a law into existence that takes away rights, The Patriot Act, and I'm sure he couldn't spell America! And stole a presidency! But Obama gets scrutinized every step of the way!

3. Racial Hate- Ku Klux Klan

First off, blacks, according to these nitwits, are supposed to be dumb, so when a rapper spells thugs like thugz, he's miseducated and silly but the KKK spells clan like Klan and its edgy? Maybe the most hateful group of whites in the world, just beating out Republicans, the KKK has serious hater issues. It was surprising to learn in school that even though these people hated blacks, they employed them, in their homes of all places, raped the women and tried looking like black women with wearing garments designed to make their butts look bigger! A process that continues by tanning, or getting Botex injections in their lips! The KKK got together to wear costumes and even tried leaving the Union, with their ugly ass Confederate flag. Anytime I see one, I definitely walk the other way. I feel like it takes so much energy to hate someone to the extent that these coneheads did! Why? Simple, we were black and they were trying to keep the white bloodline pure! Sounds like a bad episode of True Blood to me, but that was their goal, white supremecy! You ever notice how Black Power is about being united and White Power is about being divided and killing folk, and blacks are supposed to be violent!

2. Religious Hate- The Devil, Lucifer, Satan

He or she may not be real but from the stories told, The Devil is one heartless, cold mother-mother! The Devil hates everybody! The Devil even hated baby Jesus, damn that's crazy, he could have saved you Lucifer, but no, The Devil doesn't give a damn! I am aware that these people are not necessarily the same person, but they are all hateful to the same degree. Lucifer was a fallen Angel, because to put it plainly, he was hating on God! Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden becuase he hated them and God. The Devil tempted Jesus in the desert because The Devil is evil and full of unrelenting hate, the hate never stops, its eternal. That's forever hate! He can't stop, won't stop, he's the Diddy of The Underworld! The Devil isn't too smart apparently, becuase all religious books say that the Devil will lose but the hate won't stop him! It's like watching a basketball game and the losing team keeps fouling the winning team and launching threes! The game is over player, your losing by 50 points with two seconds on the clock, just give up Satan, damn! Your causing people to sin, losing the gift of eternal life you hateful deity!

1. Personal Hate- The Diabolical Hater

Skip Bayless! Skip's hate even surpasses Satan's, which may seem impossible but not if you watch First and Ten. There is one person that Skip doesn't hate, and that's Michael Jordan. I think Skip would give his life for Air Jordan if needed! But he absolutely hates everyone else, all the time. He hates me and I never met him! He would say Jordan is the best Blogger of all time and I should give up! He especially hates LeBron James or as he calls him Prince James or Lebrick! Even if LeBron got a triple-triple or a quadruple-quadruple, Skip still wouldn't give him props! Skip Bayless has no soul, but he entertains me, so I like him even though he hates me without remorse! I'm pretty sure Skip hates himself too, or maybe he thinks he's Jordan, I'm not sure but I can say this, he is the ruler, the top dog in this Haters World!

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