5. The Republican Party/ Tea Party
Obviously, the Republican Party is trying to kill black people. Rich white men have been killing poor blacks in this country ever since the pilgrims killed off the Indians! High taxes, that they know people cannot afford, stubborn politics, like not willing to negotiate on the Health Care Bill are just a few examples of how these people are trying to kill blacks! And for all the Black Republicans in America, you're basically committing suicide by working for them! From George Bush to Sarah Palin, these dumb politicians are pulling all the cards in getting rid of black people. It took Bush 5 years to help Katrina victims but I know he makes it to the bank on time!
4. Souljah Boy's Rap Career
That's right! Souljah Boy's rap career is trying to kill black people! First, why the hell must you spell soldier like souljah? It's not cool or swagged out, it's fucking stupid! Dancing around like a black face from the 30's and saying its cool because you're making money, doesn't justify acting like a 3 year old retarded kid! Lyrically he sucks, his beats are okay, but everything else is an attempt to destroy his own people, hence the name Souljah Boy! Let's make a Souljah Boy record together: Just say _________ swag! Try it, "I got my fruity pebble swag", or my "Steve Hightower long coat swag" or maybe even "This right here is my left hand swag" Then jump around touching your knees, ankles or throat, turn in a circle and call it a dance! I won't let you kill me Souljah Boy!
3. Fox News
These idiots make me angry every time I watch this worthless channel! From O'Reiley to Hannity and that moron Glen Beck! I guess they find these people at KKK rallies and just hand them a mic and camera man! Fox will distort news, making certain people seem evil and the evil people seem good! I mean they referred to Michelle Obama as Obama's Baby Mama!! Then have the audacity to call themselves fair and balanced, yeah right, as about fair and balanced as John Mccains shoulder raise, yeah I said it!
2. Tyler Perry
Tyler Perry is responsible for some of the most ignorant and idiotic film and television I have ever seen in my life! Madea's BBQ Cookout, Madea Goes to Jail, because where else can angry black women go!?! How about Madea's Big Fat Ass Needs To Shut The Hell Up! I would pay to that, Tyler Perry dressed up and sitting in silence! It would be better than anything he's written so far! And for the people involved in his productions or fans of his, God doesn't love you and Obama is going to spend your tax return on du-rags and sporting wave grease! You idiots!
1. Worldstarhiphop.con
Or as I like to call it World'sTarBaby.com. Now I will confess the coonery on this site can lure you into watching some dumb shit for a good thirty minutes or so! But then you always realize, "Why am I watching this?" And then turn it off! It's a tricky little devil. They'll post an uplifting poem right in the middle of a chick getting gang banged and a fight! It's always somebody fighting on this site! Maybe the creators of this website go to places and purposefully start brawls! "Yo he said something about ya mom" or " You gonna let that nigga say that." The typical everyday dumb shit that will set somebody off, and they sit back and film it! They are literally killing black people for a few video hits a day, with no shame at all! And I know some of you will read this and think, "Hmm, now that he mentions it, I haven't checked the site all day." Then you'll leave this blog and go there, shame on you too! I hope your kids are born with no thumbs and smell like bum feet, even after they shower! Scumbugs!!!
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Souljah Boy, Gucci, Wacka, Lil B and the likes are all interchangeable for #4! Lol