Most of these tips would seem like common sense to many. I guess Everest College wants to wow their future students by showing them that they have insight on landing that dream job! After reading these tips by Everest College, I wonder how I ever was able to find employment.
1. Arrive on time! If you're unable to get to arrive on time, try to at least be no longer than five minutes late. Usually employers will give employees a five minute cushion without any negative repercussions, but remember, you're not employed yet.
2. Give them your real name, no nicknames. This include rap names, middle names or your Spike Lee name. Jesus is Ray Allen's Spike Lee name, we all have one, mine is Squeeze. Also no aliases, that means don;t give them the name that you give to the police.
3. Bring a pencil and sharpener. Pens may run out of ink, forcing you to scribble tirelessly in circles on the side of the job application trying to get those BIC pens to work. We recommend the sharpeners because previously pointed pencils may break while being in your pocket. I mean how else would you carry a pencil to an interview?
4. Bring two forms of identification, such as a passport application and a bill with your name and CURRENT address. For illegals, just have the utmost confidence that they don't ask for id or that your fakes check out!
5. Use correct grammar and make sure to enunciate. It's very important to make sure that the person interviewing you knows when one sentence stops and another starts. We suggest saying the word period to end sentences that the interviewer may be unaware you're going to end. Example: "I'm the best person for this job period" And it gives you swag!
6. Be sure to tell them you graduated from Everest College and that dream job as accountant, assistant, manager or even CEO will be yours! With Everest, you're on the fast track!
My spike lee name is IKE.