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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Understanding While Overcoming

Life is too short
to worry and stress about going to work everyday thinking how the hours there seem so long
and contemplating ways of paying bills
trying to stay stress free, cause stress kills;
as does waking at five, working til' dawn
taking naps for lunch, you awake and belch a yawn;
the fast paced city, has you walking along
this path, until you notice how it keeps on and on
like a never ending run-on sentence...

Then finally a period.
Arguing with ya girl, you're frustrated and she's on her.
You wish the fights suddenly stopped like that
You both feel like the end is near.
Then, the distance

You            need             your               space

She            needs             her                space

We're told to let things go and see if love puts them back into place.

Well, you miss each other so much that the thought of them makes you grin,
you realize you never wanted to lose such a close friend.
You talk a lot more, hangout and then
things get serious, you're back to getting intimate,
see how the spaces disappear and how love brought everything together again?

And I saw that, now sense other things more.
Yesterday, I heard opportunity knocking on the door
but every time I answer another door closes.
Gotta move faster, no time to stop and smell the roses.
The taste of victory must wait, I feel the disaster,
drained, my thoughts are demonic, everything goes backwards
!Em sdnatsrednu eno on woh ees,
See how no one understands me!
Am I right?
I need color to see, my world is in black and white.

And  my mind is on having that green paper
call me the Candyman, I'm about it now and later
No need to question. I'm tryna get checks with commas period.
All that crazy talk from you haters, I'm not hearin' it.
You little assholes are semi-colons that just don't give a shit.

But I will survive and achieve my success!
Such a bold statement! I believe it with every breath.
Here's my dream love,
Go somewhere relaxing that offers peace and quiet, drinking fine Italian wine
until I'm a little leaned like my words are italicized.
The underlined words seems to me the underlying theme...
And as you can see, the font agrees with me!

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