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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pretty Women!

Have you ever heard the phrase, "She's pretty for a dark-skinned girl?" Is it racist, ignorant or true? Also consider this fact, have you ever heard anyone say...she's pretty for a white girl or light-skinned girl? If so is it the same or is it an attempt to some way degrade black women?


  1. That comment is both ignorant and degrading.That mentality goes back to the days of slavery and it is comments like those that make it difficult for young black girls to grow up with a positive self image. To hear that come from someone who thinks they are giving a compliment is the ultimate turn off and will guarantee you will not get any play. What if someone came to you and said, "You are well-spoken for a black person" Would you be offended????

  2. So how would/should someone respond to let the person know they don't like comments like that? I think most girls just grin and say thank you which doesn't inform the person that the comment is offensive.

  3. FUCK yeah tht shit is it somehow implies tht Dark skinned women arent normally percieved as attractive...HOWEVER i must say i personally tend to go for lighter skinned women...being raised by my mom and aunts who are all light first depiction of beauty in women come from the women in my life...BUT if a dark skinned girl is BAAAD...then she bad...and like KAT WILLIAMS SAID...."EITHA WAY...we fucking...EITHA WAY"
