5. Woody Allen's Daughter
Woody Allen is a world renown stand-up comic, writer, actor, director and more importantly, freak white guy! The above picture is Woody Allen and his wife Soon-Yi Previn, all around Asian girl. Here's the story: Woody Allen was married to Mia Farrow, they adopted Soon-Yi as their daughter; Woody Allen and his foster daughter became romantically involved and he left his wife for his adopted daughter. That's nastier than a cheese steak from a Chinese store, yuck! In addition, Woody and Soon-Yi goes on to adopt children...smarten up Soon-Yi! Don't you see how he adopts children and puts them through rigorous wife training? Notice her half wife-half daughter smile in this picture, she may be getting beat for multiple reasons!
4. Facebook
The facebook profile page is a known relationship killer. Little things like, having a girl with just her bra on that's tagged in your picture giving you a lap dance with her hands down your pants can ruin a relationship, who knew! Writing on walls is problematic also, friends calling each other boo, picture comments, can all damage a couple's future. The ultimate disrespect is changing a relationship status. Some people don't know their single until they refresh their profile page. We all see those status updates saying Melika AintGonnaNeverDuplicateMySwag Smith is single; then minutes later guys who like her are leaving comments like congratulations, those sneaky Internet pimps. Sidebar, if you have a sentence for a middle name or spell the following sentence: getting cheese from the store like: (g3tting ch33s3 from th3 stor3), kill yourself! Take a walk to the highest building and slip on purpose! Not only will you then be single but also dead, props to facebook, the homewrecking site!
3. The Help...Maids
In the movie Scarface, Frank's wife tells Tony, "I don't fuck with the help". only to then become his wife. Art does imitate life, because there are also real life home wrecking maids, interns or secretaries. The biggest scandal recently has been with Arnold Schwarzenegger and his love child. He slept with his maid and had a kid without his family knowing. However after his wife found out, she bounced. Arnold was paying child support without anyone knowing, Jude Law also slept with a maid and have a child.Whenever rich white people sleep with their maids, you can bet that the child will be half white, half Hispanic. During slavery, you could bet the child would be half white, half black. During Vietnam you could bet that the child was half white and half Vietnamese, I'm sure KKK members are really pissed off!
2. Alicia Keys
Alicia Keys is the perfect example of the sneaky homewrecker. Her music is the exact opposite of who she is, I feel tricked! With songs like Lesson Learned, If I Ain't Got You and Karma, you would think she was a good girl, not a homewrecker. Alicia Keys and Swizz are now married with children, funny thing is Swizz was married with another singer and also had kids, named Mashonda! The thing I don't understand is this, if he did it to her wouldn't you think he may also get rid of you the same way? I mean Ciara, Kelly Rowland are still out there or maybe Katy Perry if he likes white girls!
1. Tiger Wood's 179 White Women & Counting
Damn Tiger, you got caught 183 times, what the hell were you thinking? All white women, I guess you really think you aren't black. Well we don't need you know brother, you're losing, so long! Women were coming out of everywhere saying they slept with Tiger and he didn't deny it! He also didn't actually fess up to the number, he kinda said, "Yeah it happened but I don't know how many times." His wife chased him with a golf club and caused him to crash into a tree and they think only black women have attitudes? Nope. Tiger you silly mixed man got into the game of Golf, Drugs and Women. The Golf game is gangster son! I don't know how you had the time to sleep with 209 different white women, guess he was hitting more holes in ones than we thought!
Facebook post is too real. F F-book.
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