Women and men have two completely separate ways of communicating. Women want men to try and read their minds. Men on the other hand, need things said aloud and precise. Typically, interactions between males and females occur like this:
Girl: I bought you a beer!
Guy: Thanks...what is it?
Girl: Bud Light!
Guy: I don't drink Bud Light...why didn't you ask what beer I wanted?
Girl: I just thought you liked this. (sad face)
Guy: Well you thought wrong! (sarcastic face)
Girl: Fine, I'll never buy a beer for you again. (get the hell outta my face, face)
Guy: Good, you don't know how to buy beer in the first place. (angry birds face)
....Then the two fight and argue for the next two years! It also works in reverse:
Guy: What do you wanna eat?
Girl: I don't know, you pick.
Guy: Pizza.
Girl: No I'm not in the mood for pizza.
Guy: Chinese.
Girl: No, I had Chinese last year at this same time.
Guy: Watermelons.
Girl: No, I don't like the texture.
Guy :::now screaming:: Just tell me what you want!
Girl: What's your problem, why are you getting so mad?
Guy: I'm asking what you want, you told me to choose and now you don't like any suggestions. Just tell me what you want!
Girl: I don't know!
Guy: Well you drinking water because I'm eating pizza!
...Then the girl starts to yell about how the guy should just know how she's feeling and what she's thinking.
For Girls: A guy can physically cheat on her and be forgiven, however, if the guy commits emotional infidelity, he can never be forgiven. A girl will be more upset that a guy is spending time with another chick and buying her things, especially if he doesn't do that for her!
Fir Guys: A guy can care less if his girl is hanging out with dudes, only if that's all she's doing! If a girl sleeps with another guy, usually, the guy will leave her! A guy will care less about his girl going out to eat, he'll probably question why she didn't bring food back for him and not be upset about going to eat with some guy!
Everything Else
To guys, girls are stupid, emotional and irrational. For women, guys are stupid, jealous and controlling. Guys spend too much time talking shit with their boys and watching sports. Girls spend to much time complaining and talking shit to their girls about their boyfriends! Girls take three hours in a store and not buy anything, guys will go out and buy a lot of things but not buy his girl a damn thing. Solution: There isn't any solution, just take the bad with the good!
I hate the "What do you wanna eat?" question. Seems like no matter your answer your bound to get into an argument. If I'm asked the question I either no what I want or say that I'm not hungry. If I ask the question, I get that "I don't know, you pick" answer and then I'm forced to choose between what I want and what I think she wants. Might I add, 8/10 times I know what she wants...