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Monday, July 11, 2011

Our World

When will people wake up and realize whats going on!! We have been reduced to materialistic, television watching junkies! People are judged by the things they own and not the person they are! We've been taught that we ourselves, as individuals, are no good, worthless sinners! Is that really true? Our education system is a joke, universities are in the business of indoctrinating students and making money. Why does a diploma, a piece of paper with a school name on it, costs upwards to $100,000? Additionally, these bachelor degrees are becoming useless! The guy flipping burgers has a degree in Economics from Temple University and the girl mopping up your spilled Orange soda got a degree at Devry! Okay, if you graduate from Devry you basically have reached the pinnacle of your working career being a janitor at Wendy's! Capitalism basically works as follows: Listen guy/girl you're too ugly, fat or broke to achieve anything in life so buy this product to look prettier, lose weight and look like a celebrity. They start you off young, advertising products that you have no money to buy, but it doesn't matter, because marketers know kids will ask their parents for stuff! When you get older, you graduate from college and work in a career field that has nothing to do with your major. Most people work jobs they hate to spend money they don't have on things they don't need and then complain about being broke! Welcome to Capitalism suckers!

Then you reach military age! This is particularly important because we need people to go fight for our freedoms! We also need people to fight to get our oil, protect our interests and spread democracy! Peep this, the most important asset to our Republic, The United States, is the military. Just google the budget that's used to run the military. They view people in the military as expendable, how do you think they view you! i'll tell a consumer, a walking talking ATM machine! You're also viewed as a worker, a person to be used to work for some company and help make the company millions and billions of dollars.

And when you become stressed, sick in your old age or wanting to can't! First off, you'll have to work to buy the medicine that you'll have to take everyday once you do get sick! Medicine is another name for drugs, but can be sold legally, which in this country doesn't make it a drug any longer but medicine, liqour or cigarettes! Thousands of commercials are advertised daily to get you to ask your doctor for some little colored pill! These pills don't cure you but do just enough to stop the symptoms for a couple of hours while giving you twelve side effects, like webbed feet.

After twenty years of having to take five pills everyday and living in a hospital for your last couple years of life you'll die! I don't know what most of you guys believe but it doesn't matter because you'll be dead but hopefully there's a place better than this after we go. So ask yourself, is life really about working everyday to buy worthless shit, chasing after girls/guys to grow up and live a life your not proud of?? Bailout plans that cost 700 billion dollars, paid by working people to multi-billion dollar companies, kids dying in the street of starvation, although we have an entire food network channel in the U.S, wars fought for oil and profits...wake up people, most people will live out a nightmare before they ever experience the American Dream!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! This says nothing about the right to a good life, or the right to be happy. While we are entitled to certain rights (e.g., freedom of speech, religion, peaceful assembly, and the like) there are particular rules, regulations, and guidelines which MUST be followed. And by doing so a certain type of complicating qualities are added, often creating a stifling effect to the "free" expression of these "inalienable" rights. All of us are slaves of some sort. Be it mental, physical, financial, or religious imprisonment, our minds and souls are bound! Most of us are slaves foolhardily! It has been preached for thousands of years that education leads the path towards freedom. Even this truth has been exploited! Education? No. Indoctrination? Yes! One could hardly present a sound argument against the claim that higher education produces little, if any, highly educated individuals... If freedom's to be had it must be taken! If wealth is to be gained it must also betaken, by force (ill-suggested), or throughway of manipulation! If one wishes to experience the American Dream they must make it for themselves! If you wish to be educated and wise one must read, question, and then ACT!

  3. On a lighter note. WE would not have to war for oil if THEY would just give it to us! LMAO

  4. I'm sure discussion topics like this will fall on deaf ears. They describe our disheartening state of affairs rather than prescribe a strategy for an obtainable solution. Does anyone have ideas on remedying our sickness?

  5. My solution is to think for one's self and not just submit wholeheartedly to authority! And the war comment is funny lol

  6. whn ina dream...sometimes waking up is the hardest part...but most ppl have an idea of the problems already...the solution is whts eluding most ppl...and if one does have a viable feasible solution...chances are they dont have the means to implement such plans of actions...its vicious cycle...not many ever break free from...sad

  7. Well said... But isn't the first step towards solving a problem the recognition that the problem exist? So wouldn't it follow that the first step towards waking-up from a dream be the recognition that one is asleep, and in fact dreaming?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's like the Matrix, while everyone is plugged in, only a few are aware of this fact. Those who are aware of this unreality and blatantly attempt to make others too aware are faced with opposition. Opposed by both the Programers of the Matrix and those who have been Programed into the Matrix these would be "saviors" are often terminated. Such sacrifices have little value aside from their heroic qualities. This is not to say that change wont follow, but it is to say that the sort of change which does follow is so marginal and insignificant that one could hardly consider it change at all! Why? Because the Matrix is complex, and so sophisticated that it quickly evolves, adapting to the newly created changes. Thus the changes are only superficial, and the majority drunk with their false since of security and righteousness continue life unaware of their manipulated existence.

    Others, who are also aware of this unreality and make no blatant attempt to alarm others are wise. There is little value in the sacrifice of greatness. These enlightened individuals study the system, learn the system and manipulate it in their favor. For they know that anything that exist will always exist to some degree. So rather than wasting energy in an attempt to destroy the Matrix, they make steps towards degrees of lasting change.
