Advertisements are everywhere! On the bus, train, magazines, and of course, television. Companies spend lots of money to try and get you to give them your hard earned money. It's like little kids running around screaming look at my toy, no look at my toy! Some commercials are great because they're funny and provide some sort of entertainment in between scenes of your favorite show! Some commercials make me want to kill myself and throw my television outside the window! From white rappers, to hood rat college girls to stupid songs about stupid products and straight lies, it's all here in this list. Note: Please click and watch commercial prior to reading! Now back to your regularly scheduled programming list!
5. McNugget Love
This commercial at least will make you chuckle, because it's so stupid, but it won't make you want to get up and get any of these nasty nuggetss that are probably made with pigeon feet! First off, you notice how he's talking about waking up and finding his girl cheating but says, "Are you dippin' on me?" It's funny how they went out of there way to even add an ad-lib! He goes on too sing to this chick who says' "Nice song" Really hoe? Is it really a nice song? Then he proceeds to grab the nuggets and say "Don't be stingggggggggyyyyyyyyy" And she responds by being stingy! That last rift in the song was something serious, fake ass Wanya, Boyz II Men clown. Funny how most R&B singers today can't make a song this good tho!
4. Sun Drop
This commercial is stupid as hell. The name of their soda sounds like cheap laundry detergent. Then they have the dumbest white girl in the world trying to "Drop It" I also hate the fact that they're using this old ass song? I get it, Drop is in the product's name, so what! This is exactly the reason why white people get teased about not being able to dance. And what the hell is she wearing?? I wanted that boat to crash so badly!! And all Sun Drop is, is a knock off Mountain Dew and Sprite!
3. Sweet Surprise, The Government Lies
This commercial is ridiculous and not at all accurate. First off, high fructose corn syrup is in ninety-nine percent of everything you eat and drink, just check your fridge if you think I'm lying, it's therefore almost impossible to eat in moderation. And he only didn't say anything back because he wants to smash, and he needs to see how you handle that Popsicle! Check these two links out:
2. Everest College
If you go to this college, shoot yourself in the face with a gun! If you want to enroll in this college, shoot yourself twice in the face! First off lady, if your college is housed in one building, the professors are retards posing as intellectuals! Registration first floor, classes, second floor, cafeteria, third floor, and that's it, no gym, no library, no offices, you graduate by surviving the walk to and from school. That lady didn't teach you everything, if she had, she would've told you to go to a community college, not just some school that's in a community. Smells like you'll be cooking with Adobo for the rest of your life, and yes, I know that's mean!
And why does she look like she did this commercial from prison!
1. T-Mobile NBA
The person that thought this up should be fired and cursed to use a the first generation sidekick for the rest of his/her life and their kids should get pushed off a bridge! Everything about this commercial makes me want to vomit! The beat sounds horrible and the guy rapping is a clown, a small beanie wearing clown. The girl is standing there bopping along but she's wishing that he shuts the hell up. You can barely hear what this kid is saying and he looks like a dying grasshopper! Let Charles Barkley and D-Wade do the promos T-Mobile, I switched service providers because of this one stupid song!
I remember we used to laugh at this commercial and that " u got a 10 piece girl dont be stinnnnggyyyyy" ctfu ... smh =/