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Friday, October 7, 2011

Occupy Wall Street - The Addendum

There were a couple of topics that I forgot to address in yesterday's blog, so I decided to address them today.

Nature as Infinite Resource & Trash Can

Living in a society that produces more and more worthless goods, one must wonder how the Earth can sustain such an economy. It's simple really, it cannot! We extract so much from Mother Earth! We pillage her mines, tear down her rainforests and trees, all to make a quick buck! Conversely, we take our garbage and dump it into lakes, spill toxic waste into rivers, pollute the air and create landfills of junk and trash. It's weird how we live in a time where there is both overabundance and poverty, people who have too much and folks who have nothing at all. All the while creating products that will only be used today and thrown out tomorrow to make way for the newest product of the future. The problem here is twofold. Primarily, the Earth doesn't have infinite resources. We will run out of rocks to mine and trees to cut. Secondly, our waste is making our planet a mess, with junkyards and landfills everywhere. It's like cleaning a room by shoving clothes in the closet or under the bed. Sooner or later the closet will become full and things will spill out into your living space, which is precisely the reason why we have pollution and face the dangers of global warming. Corporations and some politicians may tell you its not real, but they know the truth! However, companies need to make money; telling people that global warming cannot be proven because they need to sell products for capital that further pollute the Earth.

Conflict of Interest

Again, this is the focal point of many protesters participating in "Occupy Wall Street." Information distributed to Americans has a funny way of being biased. Most politicians are, or were, former business execs, lawyers or owned their own businesses. It's hard to believe that a rich, buiness owning individual will pass laws with the average American as their number one priority. Additionally, the pratice of lobbying plays a major role in how laws are passed. "Hey Uncle Sam, I don't like these laws becuase they hurt our profits. Can we please have you change it in the following ways?" And that's a quick lesson on how it works! Lobbyists beg for what they want in order to get laws passed or previous laws changed. Here's another example, dairy in the food pyramid. Fun fact...humans are the only species to digest milk from another species (kids drinking cow milk instead of being breast fed) and also the only species that drinks milk after maturing to adults. However, we are told by The Food Pyramid, that dairy, most importantly milk, is an essential part of a healthy diet. Problem is, the folks who own dairy companies helped create that pyramid and then use celebrities to further advertise their nonsense. Most people should remember the "Got Milk" campaign. Celebrities with milk mustaches being displayed as strong and healthy to get other people to want to drink milk. Only to find out that the reason most of these athletes were champions of their sport and strong wasn't due to them drinking milk but due to them using steroids! Go figure!

Furthermore, we have advertising campaigns that are funded by meat companies saying one should eat 30% more meat because you need protein, however, they just want 30% more profit. Or, corn farmers making commercials showing how high fructose corn syrup is exactly like sugar, they just use a different name! That's odd, why not just call it sugar, is it because your full of shit? Yes! Whenever information is sent out, try to determine who is sending it out and for what reasons!


This is a very important aspect of our society! If the decision makers and elite can keep people uneducated and entertained, they need not to worry about any civil disobedience and people paying attention to what is really going on; the theft of personal liberties and uneven wealth distribution!

So sit down with a beer and watch this game, or that game, or watch this reality show that isn't in any way realistic. Play this game, watch this movie, go to this park or download this app for your phone. Keep your mind focused on trivial matters so we the powerful lawmakers can do as we please. I'm not saying that these things cannot and shouldn't be enjoyed, but think about the average person. Who knows what The Patriot Act is or how much money is being spent on the current war or how the electoral college works! But ask what Snooki did last week and they can give you an in depth story on something that is all frivolous. There's nothing wrong with having nice things or spending money on entertainment but at least make an attempt to know how the world around you works! If one cannot create a system that works for them, they will become prisoner's of another man's system.

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