I am very pleased by the recent protests in New York and several other U.S. cities! It's a great feeling to know that there are so many people in America that are very aware of what has happened to this country. Aware of the results of corporate greed and the stronghold that Wall Street money has over American politics. As I stated in a previous blog, we currently have one political party, The Corporate Party and the Republicans and Democrats are two factions of that party. Corporate money funds both sides of the political spectrum and receives kickbacks, favors and bailouts from both sides! The American people are growing weary of the fact that they're continously looked over and treated like secondary citizens to Big Business, including Wall Street, and other American corporations! Truth is, the average American is viewed as a laborer and consumer, unless they serve in the military, then your used as a tool to "protect freedom." More realistically, a tool to further expand corporal markets globally and protect American interests!
I have respect for the miltitary and appreciate the sacrifices they make to help keep us all safe! However, just like many Corporate Slaves, known as American workers, most are just following orders fighting for seemingly moral issues but used to promote a very selfish, corporate agenda. Just take a look at how War Veterans are treated! Most come back home, emotionally scarred, or injured and thrown into a hospital or forced to live on the streets due to the fact that they aren't financially capable of caring for themselves after the battle ends! Unfortunately, many people in the military are considered expendable, which is weird, seeing as how without the military we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves against outside threat and the government would have no one to go fight and take land and resources from people! My question is as follows; if the government views our armed forces as expendable, how would you think they view you, a regular civilian!?! Probably as an expendable worker and consumer! Especially those civilians that protest and complain about how much money corporations make and how the political system is a mockery because they are put into place by corporate funding!
Some people are seeing through the charade! Let's take a subjective look at how our capitalistic society operates. First, come up with a product that people don't need but advertise it enough to make them want it and feel like they need it. Invest in human resources, people who have to acquire the goods, sometimes by using guerilla armies to make people mine for minerals and other rocks, for example, diamonds that are needed to manufacture the product and another group of people to assemble the product to sell in the marketplace, sometimes by making them work in sweat shops for 18 hours a day and paid $.34 an hour. Then, create marketing plans, or advertising slogans and commercials that depict people as inadequate by selling them fear! If you really want to have sex with this women, buy this car or ladies if you want a husband, wear this makeup! Trick people into believing that the American Dream is having more material goods than the next person, like a bigger house or faster car or more expensive clothes and make them chase after that dream knowing that many of them will live out their lives more akin to a nightmare than that of an American Dream. A nightmare of not being able to afford health care, a decent home, stuck paying bill after bill, living in insurmountable debt and having to work until the age of 80 with no social security or Medicare! Take kids from an early age, away from their parents and throw them into public brainwashing facilities, known as public schools. Teach them lies as truth, teach them to love their country and how to be obedient workers who don't think too much or question how things work!
Teach them to be on time everyday and the importance of attendance and learning distorted facts for standardized testing that makes students yield to the demands of their superior, the teacher! Because, after all, this IS what their lives will be in the real world, having to show up on time at work everyday, listening to an idiot boss that tells you what to do and how to do it! Insubordination leads to termination! And for those who will be our leaders of tomorrow, send them to college to further indoctrinate them into being cogs in a corporate wheel that will lead you to chasing pipe dreams and living with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt! Tell them to marry and reproduce so we have a big enough labor pool to keep the system going! Lastly, keep them fighting! Fight over religious beliefs, classism, racism, sexism, get upset when thinking about immigrants taking your jobs, just don't think of the people who give them those jobs! Fight, fight and fight, so WE the rich can run to the banks and cash our big paychecks with no hassle because the majority of people will be too busy fighting over things that don't matter!...And that's how you end a motherf*cking blog!
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who think they are free."
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