When out and about in the world, nature can call! Typically, people only urinate in public, but sometimes one cannot fight off having bubble guts when being out the house for long periods of time! The public restroom, while a greatly appreciated public convenience, can sometimes be an unpleasant experience. From little kids, loud and angry people and awkward moments, one can be emotionally scarred after using public bathrooms. For those who ever had to pee or take a number two in a public restroom, this list is for you!
5. Bypassing the Sink
You can tell how nasty people are, due to the fact that even though people are watching, people will relieve themselves and proceed to.walk out the door and not wash their hands! Think about everyone who shakes your hands or touches your skin in some way, about 25% of them don't wash their hands after touching very private and sometimes sweaty places! I assume if you don't wash your hands at a movie theater restroom then you don't wash your hands at home, and many people only have soap in their bathrooms for decoration. I don't want a guy touching his balls and then offering me a handshake without some soap washing their hands off! The thought of it is disgusting. And you know employees at fast food places have the same 25% chance of not washing their hands, nobody follows the, "Employees Must Wash Hands," sign. How can they, when you don't keep soap, and by the way, running luke water over your hands doesn't constitute washing them!
4. Bathroom Technology
Nothing is worst then using the bathroom in public only to notice there isn't any paper. You take the correct route to the sink and wash your hands only to have no paper towels! And you stand there for a good minute, continuing to place your hands in front of the sensor and nothing comes out. It's worse when you can clearly see that paper is loaded, you just can't get to any! The same is for those little hand dryer's. Hitting that button but having no heat come out! I understand places have automated devices so people don't have to touch anything but at least make sure they operate correctly! What's worst is having a toilet clogged of poop because the toilet doesn't automatically flush, with brown tissue paper on the floor, disgusting! You use the bathroom and it doesn't flush, so you stand in front of it and move back, trying to get it to work. It's funny to me that the doors are still manual. You can go through with peeing, washing hands, drying them, only to have to touch the door to open it! Here's where people get creative and use knees, elbows and their backs to open the door.
3. Long Lines
This one is more so for women! Men are quick, usually, in and out. Women on the other hand take forever and a day to use the bathroom! If I was a female, I would definitely piss myself once or twice a day by just having to wait in line. What do women do in there? And they always have to go together! Why??? I would like to see what the hell women do in restrooms. Do they secretly make out? Is that what the hold up is? Probably not, but its a plus in the being a guy category! Only at clubs and bars are the line for men restrooms long. For some reason, men pee twice as long when intoxicated! Then there's always that one guy who will urinate in the sink! It's a slippery mess in those bathrooms, and if you fall, you can bet your falling in several different people's piss puddles!
2. Little Boys
I don't know what the experiences of kids in a women's restroom are because I have yet to visit since I turned 5 or so and could use a public restroom without my mother's assistantance. But little boys are too free in the men's bathroom. It's always that one kid who pulls his pants AND underwear all the way down. Standing there, a foot from the urinal, peeing on legs and the floor, how embarrassing. I blame the stupid parents! Know if your kid needs more training! Then, without warning or pulling up either underwear or pants, they walk to the sink! Every guy who has ever used a public restroom has seen this at least once! Little boys should have their own restrooms, because I'm not trying to see some kid struggle to pee!
1. The Eye Lock
Now I will admit, I have taken a dump or two in a public restroom. You have to cover the seat with layers of covers and toilet paper and then squat to poop! Here's the problem, most restrooms have a little space where the bathhroom door and the wall of the stall don't connect. One can see the mirrors to the sinks, most of you should know what I'm referring to here! Sometimes when your doing your thing, someone may walk up to use the sink to wash their hands and then it happens, you lock eyes for a split second and you feel violated. Having a dude look in your eye, no matter how quick the glance is, is a very uneasy feeling. Another thing I will admit, I'm not proud of it, but every one in every million bathroom visits I say, I forget to lock the door. And twice, people have walked in on me dropping turd bombs! Jesus Christ! And the reactions have been the same, the guy looks up as if they went blind and say, "Oh bro, sorry, I didn't know...," and they run out before finishing their sentence. I actually walked in on a girl air pissing! Her dark ass was waving in the air, with pee streaming, cheeks free, to the toilet and I knew the girl! I ran out saying, "Sorry I didn't...," and in a rush forgot to close the door! The girl was screaming close the door, and I ran back to grant her wish. It was a unisex bathroom and the door was unlocked and I didn't knock. I assumed the rule for those bathrooms were if it was open then it was free! Wrong! All in all, just remember to lock all doors and never look a popping man in the eye!
another annoyance is whn u ready to wash ur hands...with the motion detector sink...and ur hands all soapy...but u can't seem to get the damn sink to turn on....sitting there waving ur hands all around the faucet tryna get it to cut on...then whn it finally ds...u get like 3 seconds of water...and ur back to square one...waving ur hands in front of it...lol