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Monday, October 3, 2011

Top 5 Worst Technological Breakthroughs

Companies will come up with any reason to take your hard earned bucks! And many consumers are so stupid or desperate to keep up with the Jones's that they'll buy into the crap that companies manufacture and market! Sometimes corporations actually come up with something cool and useful, like the mp3 player! And sometimes they come up with crap, like those mentioned in this list.

5. Cold Coors Light

Coors Light decided to up the ante for the fight for America's top light beer and came out with a special beer can. The mountains on the beer can turns blue when its cold! That's it! Doesn't open itself, or cost any less or have 33% more like other new product designs! It just turns blue when its cold! I guess if five year olds were drinking beer than this idea could send sells through the roof! I'm more intrigued by things glowing in the dark then some stupid can turning blue! We could use the same method as before when trying to figure out if a can of beer is cold; touching it with our left or right hand or putting it down someone's back! No! Coors said that that way of knowing when beer is cold is outdated and lame! They say when the mountains turn blue then your beer is cold as the Rockies! Problem is, many of their customers have killed their brain cells by drinking Coors Light and have no idea what the hell The Rockies are! Most may think of the baseball team, "The Colorado Rockies," but then again, only the white Coors drinkers, since most blacks don't watch baseball!

4. Television Fridge

It's no secret that Americans are fat assess! Take a look at Man vs. Food or the menu at Wendy's, where they feature the Baconator! Only a fat, fat man would even think to eat something called The Baconator! Well, in America, we have many of those fat, fat men and women! Subsequently, someone deicided to combine two of America's favorite pastimes, eating and watching television! And since you no longer get to burn calories from watching tv and walking to the fridge, your fat ass will probably get fatter! This was probably invented because the average fat ass American can no longer place their huge butts on a couch and must now relax on kitchen tables to sit and watch television! And since your sitting on a table looking at your fridge, let's just stick a television on the front! Why stop there? Put refrigerators and televisions on all car dashboards! Put them in bathrooms! Many hotels and restuarants place flat screens in bathrooms, so now men have an excuse for pissing on the toilet seat! Just add a fridge in the restrooms and people may never have to leave; only of course to run to the grocery store to buy more food!

3. 3-D TV

This 3D craze has got to stop. Tele-evangelists are promoting 3D sermons, catch the holy ghost forreals! Watching movies and shows in 3D rarely increases the viewing experience! The only thing worth watching in 3D may be Avatar. I'm waiting for someone to release a 3D porno! Big bouncing breasts floating toward you, or whatever it is you like coming at you, pun intended, seems like a good time. Those hairy man-ass shots may not be all that nice. They could get creative too! "These double D's just got bigger, welcome to triple D's world!" I don't know, I'm not a porn producer, but seems like a good idea to me! I also wonder if 3D advertisers realize how pointless their commercials are on a 2D screen! I sit and think to myself, it looks like the same shit I already have, just pieces of glass and people throwing things towards the camera.

2. Computerized Books

I'm sure 85% of people with a Nook or Kimble are illiterate! Their liars! They try to look cool by holding their little toy, pretending to be reading! And have the nerve to cover their screen when I try to read from over their shoulder; illiterate, selfish fakes! Two years ago I only saw a handful of people reading in public, when the only options were books, magazines and newspapers. Nowadays, people want to be seen reading from their little bright screen. I'm surprised these idiots were able to turn the device on! People are so quick to announce their purchase too, "Hey I bought a Kimble." I usually respond, "Hey, you could have purchased every book your going to read in life instead of just buying a gadget that you can read them on." They never say I just brought a book, know why, because they can't read! If your an avid reader and you purchased an electronic book reader, your cool in my ebook!

1. The Automated Voice System

"Say your name"
"Bryan Scott"

Did you say Dick Tracy?"
Press 1 for yes and 2 for no
(Presses 2)

"Bryan Scott"
"Did you say I Forgot"
"No, you stupid hoe. You better get this shit right quick, my lunch break is over in four minutes!"

Then you calm down...
"Br-yan Scott"

People always get frustrated and say every syllable or change the tone of their voice, like that works.

"Sorry, please hang up and call again. Goodbye"

Now your forced to call back and then she offers a customer service agent, like why didn't you do that in the first place, you ignorant CPU lady! And when you get to a human, they get an attitude with you, like they never used an automated system! And of course, they transfer you back to the system! This system never, ever works! Why don't we boost the economy by hiring people who can actually hear to help customers out!

1 comment:

  1. id say another one...the wireless ear piece. I swear i thought niggas be talking to themselves walking down the street...then u catch the glimpse of the lil blue light...and be like...OHHHH...they on the phone. Or cats be looking dead at you...talking (to someone on the phone)...but u think they talking to u respond...just to be embarrassed whn they either ignore u...or be like "what are you talking about"
